Why wait unit Chanukah or Christmas to get into the giving mood? It is always better to give than to receive. Why not make good tidings and cheer be what we need to do throughout the entire year? Just try to recall that expression on someone's face when they receive you unexpected gift. It fills you with great gratification knowing that you kind gesture is appreciated. That's what happens when you are on the giving side and no words can explain the wonderful feeling because it doesn't have to be Chanukah or Christmas to give.
Bob Miller serves the Kingdom of Gods Needs Ministry in our town of Lakewood, N.J. He actively seeks donations of gently used, but still serviceable clothing - men's, women's and children's; household items, canned and dry food and toiletries. As well as tax deductible monetary donations. He will pick-up items at your home if you call 732-806-1463. This number is in service 24/7. Bob gathers this largesse and distributes it to those far less fortunate than our readers, the poor and needy, as well as, the homeless people in Lakewood.
Are you aware of the lack of permanent affordable housing? These people have a need for shelter, clothing, food and most of all love. Bob's Ministry works to help them find place for shelter, as well as, finding them employment opportunities. His Ministry sets up a tent in the town square and offers them these services during difficult times by praying for their spiritual and physical healing. God is in the business but we can help. Check Bob's Ministry out at www.KingdomOfGodNeedsMinistry.org to get an ideal of the amount of good work they do all year round, as well as, manifold services that they provide. At this time of year the weather gets harsh and jobs may be harder to find. Therefore, it is even more import to reach out to those who have less.
Bob has found a way to make Chanukah and Christmas happen each time he brings items and gift cards to those that need them most. He does not have to wait for a specific date or month of the calendar to continue his good works...he operates and serves those in need all year round.
The Kingdom of God Ministry is a 501(c) 3 for not for profit tax exempt organization and any monetary donations of any kind are appreciated. There are little to no administrative costs or overhead so donations go to those who are in need.
Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays for a variety of reasons. No cards...no gifts...all those football games...a four-day weekend! And who can say no to table laden with delicious food to share with family and friends. One of our homeowners has discovered a way to make like Thanksgiving happen all year by enlarging the meaning and joy of the holiday. Bob Miller, a 6 year resident serves the Kingdom of God Needs Ministry in our adjacent town of Lakewood. He actively seeks donations of gently used but still serviceable clothing - men's, women's and children's; household items, canned and dry food and toiletries. He will pick-up at your home items at your home if you call 732-806-1463; a number that is in service 24/7. He gathers this largesse and distributes it to those far less fortunate than our readers-the homeless people in Lakewood, NJ.
Have you read the newspaper articles about Minister Steve Brigham in Lakewood, who has helped those residing in tent city because of the lack of affordable housing? Bob's Ministry works with him once a week. He sets up a tent in the town square and offers their services to those who visit for some solace in difficult times. Check them out at www.KingdomofGodNeedsMinistry.org to get an idea of the amount of the good work that they do all year round, as well as, the manifold of services they provide.
At this time of year, when the weather gets harsh and jobs may harder than ever to find it is even more important to reach out and help those with less. Bob has found a way to make Thanksgiving happen each time he brings items to those who need them the most. It is a personal Thanksgiving for him--that he is able to do this work based on the generosity of others. He does not wait for a specific date or month on the calendar to continue his good works...his good works are in operation all year round.
If you really want to work off those extra portions of turkey, stuffing and pies that you consumed--how about going through drawers, closets and your pantry to find items that you are no longer using, but that others would be very thankful for? You know you have got way too much "stuff" that could help keep the spirit of Thanksgiving going all year long. Everyone benefits! Do give Ministry Bog a call so that our wonderful Westlake generosity of spirit continues to help others in need.
When I called Bod Miller (during an early Sunday morning service) to interview him for this newsletter, I got more than I bargained for. I assumed that I would be talking to him about a ministry that helps the homeless and poor, but instead, he shared his burden for lost souls. Bob told me how his ministry began. His ministry is called "Kingdom of Gods Needs Ministry," which prays for spiritual, physical and emotional healing and leads lost souls to the Kingdom of God.
The Ministry's mission is to go outside the four walls of the church and pray for all people with compassion and humility. Bob's Ministry goes out on the street and sets up a healing prayer tent wherever the Lord leads, whether it's to the Lakewood Town Square, Lakewood Route 70 Flea Market or Long Branch, NJ. Anywhere the Lord leads, his prayer group will go with a tent and Bibles and pray for peoples spiritual and physical needs.
The ministry also helps with the physical needs such as food, clothing, etc., but as Bob shared, "They need to be fed and clothed for that moment but that specific moment shouldn't be everything. It should be their future that we are concerned about." So the Ministry's priority is to win souls to Christ. People will wait in line at Bob's tent to receive prayer, and lives are changed! Bob stated, "I had a police officer looking at our "PRAYER" sign. He came over to me and said. "Oh, you pray for people?" I thought he was going to give us a ticket for setting the tent up there. Instead, he says, "Can you pray for my grandmother? She's very sick." I told him that our prayer group can pray with him for his grandmother. We prayed and led him and he came to the Lord! The police officer said he was going home and talk to his wife and children. Two weeks later, he came back to tell us that his grandmother's tests were negative!" When God leads and you follow, things happen and lives change. "There are times that we have a line of people and we can't get to them all, and then they start walking away and the opportunity is lost for us to lead them to the Lord.
The Ministry needs all the help it can get. Bob's heart is real and it's his main desire to lead everyone to the Kingdom. The Ministry is doing great, but there are more needs out there to be met. If you are interested in helping this ministry, you can contact Bob Miller at 732-806-1GOD (1463). There is a 24/7 voice mail to leave a message. You can also check out the ministry at www.KingdomOfGodNeedsMinistry.org.
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