We need to be good shepherds of the LORD.
We need to be obedient to bring the lost into the Kingdom by preaching the Word. (John 21:15)
We need to go to all the world and preach Ha Shem's Devar (God's Word) to be one new man. (Matthew 28:19.)
We need to teach eternal salvation given as a gift (grace-chesed) with mercy to those who totally surrender their free will to God.
We need to train saints to read the scriptures in the Biblical Hebraic original vernacular purest language for a precise interpretation; eg. skill of hermeneutics.
To flow in the Spirit is to make the LORD our director, controller, and healer. To recognize His authority is to make Him in charge of every facet of the service. To give God the glory by being a Spirit-filled kedilah (congregation) governed by the Spirit of Adonai because the Spirit discerns the needs of the kodeshim (saints).
We have a financial vision to assign all incoming donations for a future building to bring the lost into the kingdom. Our purpose is to bring the lost into relationship with G-d via multiple means: prayer for healings, food pantry, shelter, distribution of clothing and Christian counseling.
Kingdom of God Needs Ministry embraces the call to break out of the four walls of the Church, by bringing the living Gospel of Messiah Jesus to the streets through prayer for the physical and spiritual needs of people. Like minded believers from various denominations have joined together in unity with Kingdom of God Needs ministry, to pray for others with an attitude of compassion and humility. As we stretch forth our hands in prayer we look to God who knows the heart of men and women to minister to the person receiving prayer.
We are ordinary people making ourselves available to an extraordinary God as we pray for others. All answers to prayer we attribute to God and we give all glory to God.
Although the task ahead of us may seem insurmountable to meet the spiritual, physical and material needs of others, we believe that with God all things are possible as the body of Messiah works together in unison as one with each gifting in operation. The times we are in demand that compassionate action be taken by the people of God.
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